Saturday, December 30, 2017

Closing Out 2017

Thank you, friends, who have faithfully prayed for us and inquired how we are doing this first holiday season without Elias.

We cannot see who reads this anymore... but let us first say that God is and has been so faithful and gracious in dealing with us. He is healing our hearts and we are moving forward with gusto. The waves of sadness are less acute and frequent. Life feels "normal" again.

And so, though we miss Elias terribly and wish he were still with us this Christmas, we are comforted and strengthened by the reminder of our Messiah Jesus Christ gifted to us. As Chris Tomlin sings, "Jesus, the love song of God". Hallelujah!

Derrick and I are not the same people as we were a few months back.

          Looking forward to trusting the same marvelous God of 2017 as He will be in 2018.

Let It Be Jesus
Christy Nockels

Let it be Jesus
The first name that I call
Let it be Jesus
My song inside the storm
I'll never need another

For me, to live is Christ
For me, to live is Christ
God, I breathe Your Name above everything
Let it be
Let it be Jesus

Let it be Jesus
From the rising of the sun
Let it be Jesus
When all is said and done
I'll never need another
Jesus, there's no other

Should I ever be abandoned
Should I ever be acclaimed
Should I ever be surrounded by the fire and the flame
There's a Name I will remember
There's a Name I will proclaim
Let it be
Let it be my Jesus

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