Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Church Sharing

Before we left for our trip, Derrick and I shared about Elias with our church. It was the first time we talked about him publicly. We were extremely grateful for our pastors extending the opportunity.

I think it went ok. The nerves disappeared after we stood up front, praise God. And if it was anyone we were sharing with, this was the most gracious and loving crowd to do so.

Our friend led worship beforehand, and had thoughtfully asked us for song selections. I bawled through his beautiful piano-playing, and the church singing with one voice He Will Hold Me Fast, Come Thou Fount, and The King of Love My Shepherd Is.

We cried throughout the sharing, but soldiered through. I expected to cry yet was relieved that I could recover and still talk.

At the sharing's conclusion, our pastor asked for a few people to pray aloud for us. I again wept as most of those few had also lost loved ones.

May God grant our one prayer that the sharing be encouraging.

If anything, it was encouraging to ourselves in providing major closure to move forward.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janette,

    I was thinking of you and wondering how your family is doing so I came to your blog. I was a little confused and had to backtrack. Oh my goodness, I can't imagine how shocking and difficult it must have been to re-mourn a new little person. It is indeed a humbling reminder that God is the only one who knows everything, and while I am glad that Elias is safe in His hands I am praying He will continue to comfort you and your family moving forward. I prayed for you this evening, that God will strengthen and grow your marriage through this trial, that He will continue to give you wisdom and strength to be mommy and wife to your family when grief blindsides you, and that you will find encouragement from our loving Savior and from spiritual family around you. <3
